News and events


Help us to recycle more and waste less in West Sussex

WSCC Press Release — 21st June 2024

Find out more about recycling and waste with West Sussex County Council YouTube channel:

What do you know about recycling?
Take part in the survey:
The short survey aims to gather information on what you know about recycling and waste prevention knowledge in West Sussex.

Easy swaps to go plastic free!

Join WSCC this July in reducing plastic waste with simple, sustainable swaps that can make a big difference. 

For example,
• switch from liquid soaps and shampoos to bars

• store leftovers in reusable containers

• bring a reusable coffee cup to the office or shops.

If you do use plastic, remember to recycle what you can at home or at your local Recycling Centre.

Many supermarkets also now have collection points for plastic bags and wrapping.
Plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays can be recycled at home as long as they are clean, dry and loose.

Easy swaps for Plastic Free July - West Sussex County Council

Proposed 20mph Zones in Cuckfield

Council News — 24th June 2024

As many of you will be aware, the Parish Council ran a survey earlier this year to obtain feedback on the proposal to implement 20mph zones within the centre of the village along Broad Street, London lane and the High Street/South Street.  The reasons for this were primarily to try and slow down traffic and make it safer for our vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists to travel about the village, and also to discourage traffic from using Cuckfield as a cut through.  We were delighted with the overwhelmingly positive feedback received in support of these proposals and with the comments shared, some of which are included below:

  • 20mph would mean greater safety for children getting to and from both Warden Park and Holy Trinity schools, I also think the reduced speed limit would encourage more people to find alternative routes into Haywards Heath, rather than using Cuckfield as a rat run
  • There is a huge amount of congestion and traffic at the top of the village, feeding from Haywards Heath to the M23. This needs to be looked at as the current infrastructure cannot cope with the flow of traffic.
  • A person's survivability at 20mph vs 30mph is about 7-10 times higher and stopping distances are halved (12m vs 23m or 3 vs 6 car lengths). We have many children living in Cuckfield. 3,767 people live in this village and 25% are children. 25% are elderly. Both these groups are more likely to die as a result of a collision with a car than the other 50% living here. Cuckfield is used by many as a cut through. It's a thoroughfare so the danger to our more vulnerable comes mainly from outside the village. 20mph in a village is perfectly reasonable and will very likely save lives at the expense of a loss of a few seconds travel time through the village. It's a no brainer.
  • Extend 20mph for all village including up to Whitemans Green and the Co-op. Why should that be omitted?
  • Can this 20mph zone apply for all of Cuckfield and Whiteman's Green - i.e. Whitemans Green and Ardingly Rd?
  • I live in Whitemans Green, where a 20mph limit would be very welcome. In spite of the electronic speed warning, drivers continue to accelerate too fast after leaving the Esso roundabout.
  • Could also deter some people from driving through the village when they could use another route to A23.

Thank you to everyone who took part, your engagement and views are vitally important to us.  Our next steps are to engage with West Sussex County Council to try and obtain support to implement these measures, which are in line with their Speed Limit Policy (which can be found here  We will keep you updated with our progress.

20Pmh Survey Results Slide 1
Document Download
Traffic Calming In Cuckfield 2024 Newsletter (PDF)

WSCC Recycling Knowledge Survey

WSCC Press Release — 17th June 2024

As part of WSCC dedication to increasing recycling and preventing waste, WSCC are currently running a recycling knowledge survey for the second year in a row. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will help WSCC to shape future communication campaigns. Take part:

Survey Qr Code Recycling Knowledge Survey

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order - Pickwell Lane, Ansty - 28/06/24

WSCC Press Release — 3rd June 2024

 Urgent Public Notice - Pickwell Lane, Ansty will be closed on 28th June 2024 between 09:30-15:30.

Public Notice Road Closure Pickwell Lane Ansty